Historical Fencing Translation Project: FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Historical Fencing Translation Project?
The Historical Fencing Translation Project is a not-for-profit project dedicated to creating top quality, professionally translated historical fencing treatises available to the public.

2. What is the Capo Ferro Translation Project?
This initiative began in 2000 when Jared Kirby started the Capo Ferro Translation Project to raise funds for the professional translation of Capo Ferro’s treatise. Four years later the translation was released as “Italian Rapier Combat” and is now available at any major bookseller.

3. How are funds generated to support translations of fencing treatises?
Funds are generated in two ways. First, donations are given by patrons who are then acknowledged on the website and in the next published translation. Second, the profits from the sale of each completed, published translation are allocated to the HFTP in order to fund future translations.

4. What is happening to the profits from the sale of “Italian Rapier Combat”?
All the profits from the sale of “Italian Rapier Combat” are being donated by Jared Kirby to HFTP to fund future translations.

5. Who has donated to the Capo Ferro Translation Project?
Many scholars and practitioners of the sword generously donated to support this effort and several organizations lent their help, such as The New Dawn Duellists Society and Swordplay Symposium International. For a complete list of donors please visit this page.

6. Where can I obtain more information on the Capo Ferro Translation Project?
For a more detailed account of the process please visit this page.

7. What is the Association for Historical Fencing and what is their mission?
For more information on the AHF please see this page.

8. What is the role of the Association for Historical Fencing with regard to the HFTP?
The HFTP will work as a part of the project development committee of the AHF. As a project, all funds donated to the AHF on behalf of the HFTP must be used as designated by the donor (in this case for the translation project).

9. How will the donation I make be used?
All donations go towards the costs incurred in producing professional quality translations of historical fencing text. These costs can include: paying for professional translators, obtaining the rights to the use of original images, editing, advertising, printing, distribution and much more.

10. What is the long-term goal of the HFTP?
It is the long-term goal of the HFTP to become a self funded project because the profits from the sale of each completed, published translation go back into the HFTP in order to fund future translations. For example, all the profits from the sale of “Italian Rapier Combat” are donated to this cause.

11. Who is benefiting from the proceeds of the sale of “Italian Rapier Combat”?
We all are! All the profits from the sale of “Italian Rapier Combat” are donated to the Historical Fencing Translation Project. You can help the HFTP by making a donation as well as purchasing copies of the books.

12. Who will benefit from the proceeds of the sale of future books emerging under the HFTP?
You! And anyone interested in historical fencing. Many of the books have never been accessible to the general public nor have they ever been translated into English. Now the English-speaking world will be able to benefit from the knowledge of these great works.

13. Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes. All donations are made to the Association for Historical Fencing, which is a registered 501(c) (3) organization. Upon your request, you will receive a tax receipt from the AHF.

14. Will my donation be acknowledged?
That is up to you. As a donor of at least $250 you are entitled to be acknowledged in the next printed translation as well as on the HFTP webpage. If you would prefer to be anonymous or donate on behalf of someone else we will be happy to respect your wishes.

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