
The Association for Historical Fencing (AHF) serves its Members through a mutual dedication of advancing knowledge about the western martial heritage of fencing as well as a dedicated commitment to preserving the practice of classical and historical fencing. Through presentations of factual, well-document information, it provides high-quality educational materials via lectures, exhibitions and demonstrations. As an international research and educational association, the AHF is devoted to strengthening communication and collaboration amongst its Members: researchers, teachers and practitioners. As a primary advocate, the AHF provides its Members an international voice in the field of historical and classical fencing through the dissemination, preservation and archiving of educational materials.

The source of the association’s strength is the active involvement of its Members across the United States and around the world.

Please make a difference and join or renew now!

Choose Your Membership Level

Individual Membership: Individuals who actively participate as fencers in events sponsored by the Association for Historical Fencing. Individual Membership makes one eligible for all Member benefits and allows them to participate in non-professional AHF tournaments. Individual Members will receive invitations to AHF sponsored tournaments and be added to the official AHF email list in order to be informed of important news, attend the annual Membership meeting, and be invited to participate in the election process. Individual Members may hold office and have the right to vote on all Association for Historical Fencing matters, if the participant is 18 years of age and the dues are paid in full each Membership year. Click Here to become an Individual Member!

Professional Memberships: Professional Membership is available to a Master, Provost, or Certified Instructor in the discipline of classical and historical fencing. The Professional Membership would allow the educator to take full advantage of the research and educational materials provided by the Association for Historical Fencing. Professionals are not permitted to compete in AHF-sanctioned tournaments unless it is specifically designated as a professional tournament. Professionals are eligible for all other Individual Member benefits including invitations to AHF sponsored tournaments, added to the official AHF email list in order to be informed of important news, invitations to attend the annual Membership meeting, and participate in elections. Professional Members may hold any office and have the right to vote on all Association for Historical Fencing matters if the participant is 18 years of age and the dues are paid in full each Membership year.  Click Here to become a Professional Member!

Associate Membership: Associate Members are individuals or scholars who pay the required dues, but do not actively participate in competitions or physical instruction. The Associate Member’s interest lies mostly in the preservation and research, writing/editorial, and educational aspects of historical and classical fencing. Associate Members are entitled to access of information, the opportunity to attend all events and lectures, have access to research, and may offer relevant articles to the AHF for review and publication. Associate Members have the right to vote on all Association for Historical Fencing matters if the participant is 18 years of age, as well hold any office if the dues are paid in full each Membership year. Click Here to become an Associate Member!

Institutional/Corporate Members: Institutional Membership is available to educational institutions, corporations, and organizations, which are interested in collaborating with the Association of Historical Fencing to host mutually beneficial events or work on joint educational projects. Institutional Members are entitled to access of information, the opportunity to attend or host any event and/or lecture, have access to research, and offer relevant articles to the AHF for review and publication. Institutional/ Corporate Members have the right to one vote on all Association for Historical Fencing matters if the dues are paid in full each Membership year. Click Here to become an Institutional Member!