Generoso Pavese fencing master portrait
Generoso Pavese

Excerpt from:

Pavese, Generoso. Foil and Sabre Fencing. Press of King Bros., Baltimore. 1905. pp. 92-95.

Form for



A. B. and X. Y.

For and in consideration of the mutual engagement of A. B. and X. Y. to enter into a foil and sabre contest, it is understood and agreed between the said A. B. and the said X. Y. that such contest shall be held at the time and place, and under the rules and regulations hereinafter prescribed:

1. The contest shall be held at ——— Hall, in the City of ———, on ——— day of ———190  , at ——— o’clock.

2. There shall be a foil contest and a sabre contest which shall be adjudged by a referee to be decided upon by Sig. A. B. and Sig. X. Y. and who shall be mutually agreeable to each contestant. In addition to the referee, whose duty it shall be to finally decide every point, each contestant shall be allowed a “second,” whose duty it shall be to act for and in behalf of his principal in such manner and ways as is usually done.

A timekeeper and scorekeeper shall also be appointed by agreement between the principals.

3. FOIL. Regulation Italian foils shall be used.

Every touch on front of body between collar and belt counts a point.

No touches can be made on mask, back, arms or below the belt.

Slap touches not to count.

A disarm shall count as a point.

No strap for holding foil shall be used (Senza legare la spada al polso).

Touches “incontro” not to count.

An “arrest” in feint or counter-feint to count.

If one attack and touch and the other without an “arrest” or parry lunge and touch it will count to the party making the attack.

Each contestant to accuse himself of every touch made by his adversary.

4. SABRE. Regulation Italian sabres shall be used.

Stroke on upper arm, back or below belt shall not be counted.

Point thrust on helmet, arm, back or below belt shall not be counted.

All other strokes or point thrusts shall count.

A disarm shall count as a point.

A touch made by an “ arrest” shall also count as a point.

Parry must be made to an attack before stroke or point-thrust, otherwise it counts for one making attack, if he succeed in his movement.

Strokes or point-thrusts “incontro” not to count.

If one making attack has his point-thrust or stroke parried he shall not continue the attack, unless his opponent refrain from an attack, when he may make a “ripigliata.”

5. There are to be six rounds of ten minutes each. The first three rounds are to be with foil and the last three rounds with sabre.

There is to be a period of three minutes between rounds and a ten-minute rest between the third and fourth rounds; that is, between the contest with foil and that with sabre.

6. During the contest no person shall be allowed upon the stage except the contestants, their seconds, the referee, the scorekeeper and the timekeeper.

If there be any dispute over a question raised it shall be immediately and finally settled by the referee after each contestant or his second shall have stated his contention.


______________________________ [Seal.]

______________________________ [Seal.]


This is to certify that we, the subscribers, have acted as referee and seconds, respectively, in a contest with foil and sabre between A. B. of ——— and X. Y. of ——— , held at ——— Hall, day of ——— , on ——— , 190— , and the said contest resulted in the following score:

Foil.1st Round.2nd Round.3rd Round.Total.
A. B.    
X. Y.    

A. B.

X. Y.    

As Witness our hands and seals this ——— day of ——— , 190—.




Second for A. B.


Second for X. Y.

We, the contestants in the above-mentioned bouts, individually agree to the decision as determined upon and shown by the above score and declare that we are satisfied with the same




*End Transcription*